Language editing

Language editing


The English Doctor: We can make your English better!

Our specialty lies in helping scientists, medics and other academics whose first language is not English.

We can present your work in English of a high standard (either British or American English, as required) without altering your original style and meaning.

Our aim is to get your work published, helping you to achieve the recognition you deserve.

We can also help you learn from your mistakes, explaining common errors and answering your queries, so your own writing will improve.


How we work

Documents are sent to us in electronic format. All work is strictly confidential.

We carefully edit your document and ensure that the spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice and overall construction and style are those expected of a native English speaker. However we do not make changes just to make it look as if we have been busy! We try to retain your original style and wording as far as possible.

Any changes that may alter the original meaning are always queried with the authors, and explanations of complex changes are provided. If any phrases are unclear, suitable alternatives are suggested, with clear explanations of the meaning.